
Perfect Grammar Makes Perfect Interaction

The product story has to be written in a certain way so that the doer, their objects and the associated actions are clear. The sentences have to be complete and simple. Complex sentences create confusion for human communication at times and the same is mor probable with machines. In simple terms, complex sentences confuse the machines.

How to write the product story?

Start with the journey of a user who visits your web app who has no identity. After that introduce their journey of becoming an identified user as a role with certain responsibilities. Explain the actions by the doer (user or their transformed roles) and how they perform various tasks. Keep on describing the actions of actors along with all process details and model information.

What is model information?

A model information is the details of attributes of a doer or their objects. For example, a user has model information as name, email, age, location, country, etc. Similarly, they may have a document called certification which can have attributes like date of issue, cost, validity, expiry date, last renewal, issuing authority, etc.

What is a process?

A process can be set of attributes to explain about how an action works. The mention of extra attributes of an action improves the prompts to make better methods or functions.

A good product story is made of simple sentences which has complete sentences.

Redundancy factor

The fastbuilder system is flexible enough to take care of redundancy of all the AAAMP factors. Even if the actors are mentioned in any order or repeating them in any order has almost no impact on completeness. The same applies for actions, assets, model or process. But a lot of mixing of context often times create ambiguity of objectives.  

Next: Product Planning

Updated: Oct 11, 2024