May 11, 2023

5 Ways HR Software Solutions Can Streamline Your Hiring Process
1) The Automation Era: Automation is here – everything we do is aided, enhanced, envisioned – or, replaced! - by technology.
With the advent of vastly advanced modern tech tools like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and the OCT 2022 phenomenon called “Chat GPT”, automation is deeply entrenched in our lives. Overly pervasive and potentially alarming too, as the debate rages. But, that’s a topic for another blog…
~~~ In our “Automation Era”, business operations are rapidly transformed by technology. 75% of HR teams say technology now helps them perform their duties. They also believe the use of technology will spread across more HR departments as the benefits of automation become more prevalent ~~~
Automation is the process of deploying technology or software applications to perform tasks that are repetitive (and, typically of low value). This allows employees to spend precious work hours on tasks of greater value.
Automation applications, too, have come a long way. Till even in the recent past, such automation necessitated huge CapEx expenditure, heavy infrastructure, trained workers for operation and maintenance, and other upkeep. However, with the cloud services and SaaS (software-as-a-service) facilities available today, automation has become affordable and easily accessed by companies of all types and sizes.
The purpose of this blog is to highlight how automation in recruitment tasks – via HR software solutions - can streamline a company’s hiring process, reduce staff workload, lower operating costs, and make it more efficient.
2) 5 ways HR software solutions can streamline your hiring process
- i) Automated resume screening: An automated resume screening process that assesses and ranks applicants by using predictive tools (e.g. to predict performance and growth) not only helps you to sift through thousands of resumes quickly but also to shortlist those that will be most likely to succeed. It also removes – even eliminates - hiring bias and improves diversity in your workplace.
- ii) Using collaborative hiring: Collaborative hiring is a multi-step interview process, where the candidate meets with more than 2-3 employees they would generally meet.
- iv) ATS (Applicant Tracking System): An ATS (Applicant Tracking System) is a popular use of automation to streamline the recruitment process. Organizations use ATS across every step of the recruitment cycle to receive applications, track applicants, and collect/maintain applicant data for their company database.
- v) Improve candidate experience: We tend to forget that an HR software solution doesn’t just benefit the hiring organization, but also helps the candidates! Numerous services exist that now automate the repetitive and low-value tasks of business processes.
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