May 27, 2022

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How does blockchain correlate to information systems?

Information is the foundation of humanity. In the absence of information, humans were wild and tribal. Information is the foundation of what we are today; we know how to make planes, ships and, most importantly, read and write. That’s why you are here, etc. So, information is the main thing behind what we are today, whether it is about rights or anything else.

Blockchain is becoming much more popular in content services. It is an interesting technology that hugely impacts how we create and share content.  Blockchain is a technology behind Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to keep everyone's assets secure. Transparent: Blockchain transactions are clear and un-falsifiable. They are clear because the data is public; it is un-falsifiable because blockchain technology uses cryptography to ensure that all the transactions are correct. A blockchain is transparent because you can see the data movement trail. You'll see exactly what data is being passed along. In the blockchain, you have a chain of blocks linked together. 

How can blockchain help manage data across different levels of governance?

Blockchain could simplify trusted information management, making it easier for government agencies to access and use critical public-sector data while maintaining security. A blockchain encodes a digital ledger stored on multiple computers in a public or private network. It comprises data records, or “blocks.” Once these blocks are collected in a chain, they cannot be changed or deleted by a single actor; instead, they are verified and managed using automation and shared governance protocols. 

Blockchain use cases in information governance

The republic of Georgia has indicated that it will test a similar technology, allowing citizens and companies to use a smartphone application to acquire and transfer property titles quickly and at a limited cost. The current property-transfer process is manual; applicants can spend up to a day waiting in line at a public registry and pay between $50 and $200 to complete a transaction. According to our analysis of real estate transactions across all countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, buyers pay at least $3.5 billion a year in administrative fees to register their purchases. Digital processing could significantly decrease the cost of this service to governments; in turn, agencies could pass the savings on to citizens.

Emerging blockchain technology may support such a scenario (exhibit). Each person or organization would have all relevant data (basic personal information, for instance, or records of previous interactions with government agencies) stored in a dedicated ledger within an encrypted blockchain database. Individuals or companies could access these ledgers through the Internet. End users could give government agencies the authority to read or change specific register elements using public- and private-key cryptography. They could use public keys to selectively share information relating to a particular service transaction with agencies. Or they could issue private keys to agencies for one-time “write” access to their data.

Cyberium blockchain technology 

 Cyberium blockchain technology shows promise for those government bodies looking for better ways to manage and protect trusted information. It offers an enticing path toward more efficient operations, responsive service, and enhanced data security. By cyberium blockchain, the government will learn what works in practice and how to unlock the full potential of data-driven service.


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